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  1. Shiken

    V16 Quest 12261 : No Place to Run Fix

    thanks for your efforts !
  2. Shiken

    World of Warcraft Downloader

    link is dead...
  3. Shiken

    [WTB] battlebot logic tune up for vmangos

    Hello folks, I'm stuck on how to tune up logic of battlebot of Vmangos, for now player need input command to create battlebot, then bot will queue up battlegroud, what I want is player will not create battle manually , but auto create bot and queue when player queue up . So I'm looking for...
  4. Shiken

    [WTS] Pre-coded FusionCMS Themes | Coding Services

    Amazing job! Is this web compatitable with vMangos?
  5. Shiken

    PNJ and HD Models for Cataclysm 4.3.4 under DirectX9 VIP GOLD

    I just beginning download, you make CATA looks like a modern game in 2021, amazing !
  6. Shiken

    Minor fixes v14 (Dragon Soul)

    thank you sir
  7. Shiken

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    cool, such a huge improvement~
  8. Shiken

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    I didn't find the setting for solocraft in worldserver.conf, how to I enable or disable the function?
  9. Shiken

    [npc] Injured Stormwind Infantry

    thank you :)
  10. Shiken

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    thank you for great work, hope your team can keep update bfa
  11. Shiken

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Thank you dude, I have triedthis addon, it work very well in game!!
  12. Shiken

    V13 Lost City of the Tol'Vir Fixes

    Thanks for your effort!
  13. Shiken

    Broggok Blood Furnace Boss Issue

    In V13 , this issue happened again, after 1st wave, there is nothing happen.
  14. Shiken

    V13 - Rogue Stealth BUG

    Sorry for my poor English, I record a video about rogue steath bug the NPC's action while found rogue. EMUCOACH V13 Rogue bug 2020 04 20 20 58 01 - YouTube
  15. Shiken

    V12 Quest- The Eye of All Storms - ID: 13588

    bump , this quest doesn't fixed in V13 When the player rides on the dragon, the camera's line of sight becomes very chaotic, it is difficult to aim at the enemy, you will suddenly fall and die, and then you cannot pick up the body, you can only choose to revived from spirit healer. I think this...
  16. Shiken

    [V12] Aroom's farewell

    This issue is still exist in V13
  17. Shiken

    V13 - Evacuate the Merchant Square - Quest ID 14098

    Hmm .. It ’s so weird. After I reinstalled the World Database, this quest can work normally.
  18. Shiken

    V13 - Evacuate the Merchant Square - Quest ID 14098

    Hi Damieninabox, yes, I am sure that I disable GM permission, I also created a normal account, this quest still cannot be done DD:
  19. Shiken

    V13 - Evacuate the Merchant Square - Quest ID 14098

    [Name, Type] Gilneas City, Evacuate the Merchant Square, Quest [What it does] It opens the door but not evacuating the civillians. [What it should do] It should evacuate 3 civilians when the door opens.