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  1. T

    Server World.exe crashs 13.1

    Yes of course Exo! If you want I could give you the char.sql that I used to reproduce the error in the test server. I can give you in pm the link from which to download it, are 39MB only. And I tell you which pg generates the error.
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    Server World.exe crashs 13.1

    I have the same problem indicated in this post: here and also this when you log in a specific character in game and meet this error: Sunday I used the pg and it works and from Wednesday it crashes the server. Thanks for any help .
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    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    I used the attached sql file to change the RequiredLevel field to 100 in all the TEST items and then I changed in the worldserver. file the AuctionHouseBot.DisableItemsAboveReqLevel = 99 . So that the seller can no longer sell the test pieces. By changing the level of use to 100, those who have...
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    Update Item Valor Vendor 4.3.0

    This sql script updates the Valor Vendor items to the 4.3.0 expansion. If any items are missing, indicate it below. The scripts run on both version 13 and 13.1 of the repack. Hello and have fun Max. Valor_items_vendor_Alliance.sql Valor_items_vendor_Horde.sql
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    V13 - Hour of Twilight - Heroic

    [Location, Faction, Race] Hour of Twilight - Horde - Orc [Name, Type] Shadow Borer, Faceless Shadow Weaver, Faceless Brute pull [Problem Description] After killing Asira Downslayer, take the dragons that take you down the hill and then fight Archbishop Benedictus. When starting Thrall...
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    V13 - End Time - Murozond

    Dungeon Heroic End Time - PG Horde hunter orc The boss fight works perfectly, the only problem is that if the whole group dies the intro start again, the little dragons must be redone and a second Murozond appears. I have not yet verified whether the problem occurs if everyone releases the...
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    V13 - End Time - Echo of bane

    Dungeon Heroic End Time - PG Horde hunter orc Boss Echo of baine Problem: when the boss use Pulverize he jump in the air and never goes down. How it should work: he should make a small jump and destroy the platform with her totem
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    V13 - Dungeon Zul'Gurub Jin'do the Hexxer

    Dungeon: Zul'Gurub Heroic Boss: Jin'do the Hexxer Problem Description: Bossfight phase 1 works correctly. When the boss enters the second phase he teleports the whole party to another phase. To get out you have to kill the three Hakkars chains (Hakkar's Chains - NPC - World of Warcraft)...
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    V13 - Vashj'ir Quest - Bring It On!

    Quest: Bring It On! ID: 25948 Quest start: Legionnaire Nazgrim Quest End: Legionnaire Nazgrim To complte quest: speak with Legionnaire Nazgrim aboard the immortal coil. What happen: the quest is complete when taken, but there is no NPC to deliver it. I searched all npc by name "Legionnaire...
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    V13 - Dungeon Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic

    Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic Boss: High Prophet Barim what should happen: Stage Two: Kneel and Repent - After High Prophet Barim casts Repentance, he becomes immune to damage and players find themselves in a realm of darkness. Players must defeat the Harbinger of Darkness to end...
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    V13 - Dungeon Vortex Pinnacle Heroic - Grand Vizier Ertan

    Dungeon: Vortex Pinnacle Hero Boss: Grand Vizier Ertan Spell: Summon Tempest Heroic Difficulty — Grand Vizier Ertan periodically calls a Lurking Tempest to join the fight. They appear on the edge of the Ertan's circular platform. Lurking Tempest — The Lurking Tempests will only attack...
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    V13 - Dungeon Grim Batol Heroic - Erudax

    Thank's for the solution. We test it on the our server. best regards Max
  13. T

    V13 - Dungeon Grim Batol Heroic - Erudax

    Dungeon: Grim Batol Heroic Boss: Erudax Problem: the spell Shadow Gale deals damage to everyone (10,000 damage per second + 50% every 3 seconds = wipe) even if in the center of the vortex created by the boss. How it should work: must create a safe area in the center of the vortex where no damage...