Search results

  1. X

    Simple question about MoP

    Yea that is basically what I was asking is if there is any way to secure the software to make sure these keys that get regenerated will either always continue to be valid or won't be necessary at some point in the future. If you do get to keep it after the subscription runs out that is fine...
  2. X

    Updating and fixing bot spells

    I have been working on the current mop version bot system going through the tedious process of naming all the spells in playerbot spell data and removing spells that do not work and replacing them with correct ones and tons that are absent. Also I am working on the spell conditions for these...
  3. X

    Simple question about MoP

    Is/will there a way to purchase a one time key? I have sunk a ton of time into my current one (lots of sql changes, dbc mods, player progression and bot tweaks) and would be fine owning this version. Since the license key expires every few months I am afraid that one day the new key won't work...
  4. X

    Count To 2.000
