Search results

  1. leonsacc

    Inventory of mainstream WoW simulators - AzerothCore

    AzerothCore AzerothCore (AC) is a project created in 2016 by former Italian private server AzerothShard . It is based on MaNGOS/TrinityCore/SunwellCore. Although AzerothShard was shut down in 2018, the AzerothCore project continues to grow, implementing many improvements and is used by many...
  2. leonsacc

    1-70 TBC Leveling Guide for Alliance and Horde

    Alliance TBC Leveling Guide Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms Level 1-10 - Starting zone: Elwyn Forest (Human), Teldrassil (Night elf), Azuremyst Isle (Draenei), Dun Morogh (Dwarf/Gnome) 10-20 Leveling - Secondary zone: Westfall (Human), Darkshore (Night elf), Bloodmyst Isle (Draenei), Loch Modan...
  3. leonsacc

    BlizzCMS Theme [ver.]

    thank you very much.
  4. leonsacc

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    thank you very much.
  5. leonsacc

    List of all dungeons that aren't completable

    thank you very much.
  6. leonsacc

    [CMaNGOS] 2.4.3 Friendly Repack

    thank you very much.
  7. leonsacc

    [3.3.5] Working Honorbuddy - WOTLK - WoW 3.3.5 Honorbuddy

    thank you very much.
  8. leonsacc

    [3.3.5 & 4.3.4] VIP Commands, teleport etc.

    Nice, thank you