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  1. nevior

    [Other] Wailing Caverns / Dungeon

    You highlight the bot/ click on them and do like a /summon or .summon command I believe. It's been like a month since I've played my server so I can't remember fully haha.
  2. nevior

    [Other] Wailing Caverns / Dungeon

    Yeah, I've had to summon/teleport them to me whenever I need to cross it.
  3. nevior

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Quick update - I haven't tested things much, but a quick run through the Deadmines on a level 17 character and the Oaf Lackeys that used to have like 1hp now have dumb max level health. You tried fixing them here "UPDATE creature_template set Health_mod = 2408, minlevel = 18, maxlevel = 18...
  4. nevior

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Thanks, seems to have worked, or at the very least it states that those rows were altered with zero errors or warnings.
  5. nevior

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    HeidiSQL is usually my go to, but I'm not versed in SQL really at all. I follow tutorial guides and that's about it. lmao
  6. nevior

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    As someone not as knowledgeable about MySQL, how would I go about doing this? Feels kind of weird that I'm paying for this while still needing to fix it myself.
  7. nevior

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Always happy to look into more repacks for later-made expansions.
  8. nevior

    Worgen bots only use human form

    [Location, Faction, Race] Any location / Alliance / Worgen male and female [Name, Type] Worgen bots [Problem Description] All worgen bots are stuck in human form, in and out of combat. They seem to be incapable of using the worgen form transformation. [How it should work] Worgen bots, upon...
  9. nevior

    [Other] Wailing Caverns / Dungeon

    For the most part the instance works fine, but there is an issue with the final boss not triggering. [Location, Faction, Race]Wailing Caverns (Dungeon) [Name, Type] Mutanus the Devourer / Naralex [Problem Description] After killing all prior bosses in the instance you're supposed to talk to...
  10. nevior

    [NPC] Ragefire Chasm dungeon (Slagmaw boss)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Ragefire Chasm dungeon [Name, Type] Slagmaw the I believe third boss in the instance - [Problem Description] Their health is set to 15hp and are basically non-existent threats cause they die even if you sneeze on them, same as...
  11. nevior

    [NPC] Ragefire Chasm dungeon (Dark Shaman Acolytes)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Ragefire Chasm dungeon [Name, Type] Dark Shaman Acolytes [Problem Description] Their health is set to 3hp and are basically non-existent threats cause they die even if you sneeze on them. [How it should work] I'm not sure what their MoP-scaled health should be, but...
  12. nevior

    [NPC] Deadmines has an instant wipe boss

    [Location, Faction, Race] The Deadmines dungeon, faction shouldn't matter I think. [Name, Type] Helix Gearbreaker, the second boss in the dungeon who appears after killing his first phase. [Problem Description] He seems to automatically wipe the dungeon party once he appears, since he can 1-shot...
  13. nevior

    Simple question about MoP

    Yeah no, to my knowledge the licensing key seems to be a one-time use DRM to prevent someone from leaking any files without permission. Basically the license uses HWID I believe, so even moving folders shouldn't cause an issue, but it's still recommended to not change where your server folder...
  14. nevior

    Simple question about MoP

    Maybe I've misunderstood but when you buy a premium, say the MoP one, you gain access to the download for the repack and any future updates WITHIN the timespan allotted by your premium membership, (aka a year), but after that year you still keep everything you've purchased and had access to up...