Search results

  1. SpaceYam

    [Quest] "Twice Removed" 13565 - cannot call Withered Ents

    Location, Faction, Race] Withering Thicket, Darkshore. Alliance. Night Elf [Name, Type] Twice Removed (Quest) [Problem Description] The quest requires you to kill Darkscale Scouts and then use the item provided (Petrified Root) to call a Withered Ent. Currently when using the item you get...
  2. SpaceYam

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thanks for your hard work!
  3. SpaceYam

    Another bot suggestion (in anticipation of MoP v4)

    Just wanted to show an example of Sunstrider Isle and why it's a bit problematic :)
  4. SpaceYam

    Another bot suggestion (in anticipation of MoP v4)

    Hey man, appreciate your work. Unfortunately, there is still overcrowding and over-exhuberant killing in both the Blood Elf and Draenai starter areas. Haven't really had a chance to check out the other spots yet. I left it at the default of 25 NPCs per zone when I first updated. I also...
  5. SpaceYam

    Hello also

    Played an Orc Warrior in vanilla/early stages of BC but never got past level 58. Was playing on my brother's account. Can genuinely say Warrior was a terrible choice. Very recently made my own WOTLK private server using an old, abandoned repack I found. Then found AzerothCore, set it up...
  6. SpaceYam

    Another bot suggestion (in anticipation of MoP v4)

    So my partner and I started a couple of Dwarfs and we found it extremely problematic in Coldridge Valley as with the default setting of 25 bots, it was virtually impossible to complete a couple of the quests that required killing things as the bots were so numerous and would camp in a single...