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  1. Kein666

    Naaru's Vanilla 1.12.1 Blizzlike Repack v1.0

    Tnx for sharing! Any plans in the future to add wandering bots for open world pvp and bots for raid/dungeons and BGs?
  2. Kein666

    Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (Modded WotLK 3.3.5a)

    Many thanks to you Ed_Kay! One of them (Beastmaster) I saw in the Razor Hill village (Durotar), behind the Innkeeper.
  3. Kein666

    Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (Modded WotLK 3.3.5a)

    I'm really curious to see how you implement new things in your repack in the future!
  4. Kein666

    TrinityCore NPCBots Repack (Single Player Repack)

    Many thanks to you man, I always liked your work and I hope that your life run well now! 🤘
  5. Kein666

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Just enter in their discord channel and you ll find all
  6. Kein666

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Thank you very much! As always great job m8!
  7. Kein666

    Addon Playerbots

  8. Kein666

    Wow Regeneration for CATA/MOP build (15595-18414)

    Damnnnnn all the languages of the earth but not mine fucking italian language.... 😂
  9. Kein666

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Once again, thankyou very much man!
  10. Kein666

    [5.48 UWOW] Hxsd Repack Released (repair 99.99%)

    You are always the number one! ahahaha
  11. Kein666

    Minor fixes v14 (Underbog)

    -- Missing Spawns Underbog -- -- -- -- -- --...
  12. Kein666

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Ops, my bad! Sorry. @Jivani19 Miss, greeeeeeeeeat work! Thank you very much for all this!
  13. Kein666

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Man, greeeeeeeeeat work! Thank you very much for all this!
  14. Kein666

    Minor fixes v14 (Abyssal Depths)

    Hi guys, for the right World database backup, after "Export database as SQL" these options are good? : create database create tables data: insert max insert size: 1024K output: single .sql file
  15. Kein666

    Minor fixes v14 (Abyssal Depths)

    Tnx a lot!
  16. Kein666

    Minor fixes v14 (Simmering Expanse)

    Great, tnx!