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  1. L

    MOP 4.1 RDF/Dungeon Bug

    appreciate you taking time to reply to my post and help , this will definitely get me by until a fix is in place :)
  2. L

    17.1 Deadmines Bug

    Horde Orc Deadmines Hunter [Name, Type] Deadmines [Problem Description] Admiral Ripsnarl summons too many vapors and teleports through the floor of the boat. [How it should work] Less Vapors, and he should stay up on the top of the boat. This happens every time you run the instance.
  3. L

    17.1 Playerbots spamming repeatedly in /say over and over.

    [Location, Faction, Race]Durotar-Orc-Troll [Name, Type] Chat Spam [Problem Description] When starting a new character I noticed that playerbots were just randomly spamming different or somethines the same text over and over rapidly I mean like 100 times or more in 30sec-1min 1 bot. [How it...
  4. L

    MOP 4.1 RDF/Dungeon Bug

    [Location, Faction, Race]RFC.Deadmines Horde ORC GM account [Name, Type] RDF/Dungeon [Problem Description] issue with dungeons not completing just did RFC twice both times no bag and I got deserter debuff after dungeon was completely finished. Also just tested Deadmines and same issue. [How it...
  5. L

    V17.1 RDF/Dungeon bug

    [Location, Faction, Race]RFC.Deadmines Horde ORC GM account [Name, Type] RDF/Dungeon [Problem Description] issue with dungeons not completing just did RFC twice both times no bag and I got deserter debuff after dungeon was completely finished. Also just tested Deadmines and same issue. [How it...
  6. L

    PQR MoP 5.4.8 (Best bot rotation)

    thanks dude
  7. L

    Damage Reduction | Pre MoP |

    Thanks for keeping this updated!
  8. L

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thank you
  9. L

    Addon Npcbot_MoP

    thanks bro
  10. L

    Mists of Pandaria 5.4.7 Repack npcbot(BAD)

    Thanks pal
  11. L

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    appreciate it broski