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  1. kaneit

    GM commands (money) bug

    when typing .modify money (character name) 50G. it will give 50 gold. as you would expect. but when typing .modify money (character name) -50G. you would expect as it states in the syntax to subtract 50G. instead it gives you more than what you've asked for. and it states that give [character...
  2. kaneit

    Bug or not? i don't know

    i'm running the Cata 4.3.4 v9 VIP (not gold) release. and i happened to just come across this just within the past 5-10 minutes or so in the WorldServer.exe. World Thread hangs, kicking out server! D:\ZealotPureBlizzlike\Core_434\src\server\worldserver\Master.cpp:107 in...
  3. kaneit

    How to create one realmlist. but host multiple expansions

    Hi all. i'm really confused and exhasuted all of my options, so i thought i would create a post about it. Basically what i'm trying to achieve is to have 1 realmlist "" and run it all off 1 Auth Server. now say i wanted to host Wotlk, Cata and Mop. when i add each realm to...
  4. kaneit

    hi :)

    Hello, i'm kane, i've only just registered to Emu-coach about a month ago i would of imagined, i've been playing wow for quite sometime now. i mainly joined emu-coach to acquire a decent repack for cata since i haven't been able to find any that work using trinitycore. i do currently have a...