Search results

  1. L | WOTLK | 3.3.5a | Blizzlike | 15x

    Neltharion.Org WoW Private 3.3.5a Server Server Rates Quest Exp : 15x Kill Exp : 5x Honor Gain : 2x Rep Gain: 10x Gold Gain : 2x Custom: bonus 200gold every 10 level start from level 20. Random Battleground Bonus sack wich contain 30g wg marks + Socket Recipies. Custom Vendors for Furious...
  2. L

    [3.3.5a] Wowmania - Twisting Nether

    Project:Wowmania Website:Wowmania.Net About Server - Patch:Wrath Of The Lichking (3.3.5a) - Realmlist:Twisting Nether - Rate:20x - Anticheat System - AntiDdos Protection - No Lag, No Crash, Low Latency - Server Hosted On Contabo.Com Working Content: Dungeons: - All Vanilla,TBC Dungeon - 99%...
  3. L

    WTS Wowcore 3.3.5a (trinity with fixed spells and custom patches)

    Spells and talents are working: Death Knight most spells and talents are working. Druid most spells and talents are working. Hunter most spells and talents are working. Mage most spells and talents are working. Paladin most spells and talents are working. Priest most spells and talents are...
  4. L

    WTB source + db well fixed 3.3.5a

    WTB source + db well fixed 3.3.5a contact me in skype:lashh...a
  5. L

    help warcry cms

    Hello everyone, i have problems with warcry cms store armor sets acp and there mising player_boosts table for characters db? if someone has fix pleas pm me or add me on skype:lashh...a , this my server sorry for my english, im from georgia