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  1. T

    Authserver emucoach repack v3 problem

    for some stupid reason I can't seem to get the authserver to come up in v3. I am getting 0xc000007b error(32 and 64 bit mixup?) and I have no idea how?
  2. T

    worldserver crash

    It seems that the worldserver crashes right after login and I don't have a clue why. I am currently using v2 and a few months ago it was working fine but I had to redownload the repack because of data loss. I started having the problems after I re downloaded the repack. Any Thoughts or do you...
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    Feral Spirit

    The Spirit Wolves that are summoned by this spell are continuously running. They should only run to the enemy target(mob) then when they return to master(you) they should go back to walking. Here is a Youtube video of how they are supposed to act: I...
  4. T

    NPC patrols

    Hey Pewz or Etox!! :) Where do I find the scripts for NPC patrols? I noticed that in this repack the guards are patrolling and was wondering where those scripts are in the database or what database table they are under. I want to borrow the scripts for my own compiled core. I'm not going to...
  5. T

    Compiling Trinitycore LNK error

    I'm in the process of compiling a fresh core so I can patch it with NPCbots, but I get 17 successful, and 4 failed. The Failed (builds?) refer to a LNK error 1181 and the file in question is bzip2.lib. I would really like to have a fully successful build, and don't need a buggy core. Help!!!!!
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    [Solved] Adding a Patch

    How do I go about adding patches to 4.3.4 repack? Do I need Trinitycore Source or is the source the _server folder?
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    [Solved] Application Error

    I have spent 2 hours looking for the cause and I'm very perturbed! I keep getting Error 0xc000007b! I ran OpenSSL and copyed libeay32.dll and ssleay.dll and found the msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll and the darn authentication server is still giving me the error. I run Win7 64bit Edit: I...