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  1. Adriel

    Basic version of my auto refreshing server status

    Ok the previous version I released on here may have been a little complicated so I trimmed it down to its most basic form. What it does is show online or offline text in red or green for up to seven individual servers and will refresh itself every few seconds or so. All you have to do is edit...
  2. Adriel

    Mall Vendors for TrinityCore EMUCoach 4.3.4 Repack

    This is a release of a working (updated) set of mall vendors for the EMUCoach 4.3.4 Repack. This set of vendors was salvaged from an old mangos 3.3.5a system and we added in some new vendors for the Cataclysm Arena and Raid sets as well as Cataclysm mounts. The vendors ARE NOT nativity spawned...
  3. Adriel

    Blood Elf- Start quest fix / workaround - Thirst Unending

    Ok for some reason the Arcane Torrent spell core script side has never worked properly in TrinityCore so in order to complete the quest "Thirst Unending" for the Blood Elf start area you can run the following SQL query. REPLACE INTO `quest_template` VALUES ('8346', '2', '3', '2', '0', '3431'...
  4. Adriel

    Bloob Elf - Thirst Unending - Nullify due to known core bug

    Ok for some reason the Arcane Torrent spell core script side has never worked properly in TrinityCore so in order to complete the quest "Thirst Unending" for the Blood Elf start area you can run the following SQL query. REPLACE INTO `quest_template` VALUES ('8346', '2', '3', '2', '0', '3431'...
  5. Adriel

    Hello to all

    Hello everyone. I apologize I did not post this sooner but I am Adriel, I am the owner of Elfnet Designs & Communications (The Elfnet Group) and we have just launched a gaming division in the company dedicated to well, gaming. We do write database queries, patches, etc for wow emulators as well...
  6. Adriel

    The easiest server on/offline status tutorial for your uber epic website!

    There are several server status sniffers out there but it seems many of the creators fail to give you a simple application tutorial such as how to get the damn thing working.. the code below should be (should be being the key words here) pretty self teaching. I placed footnotes alongside each...
  7. Adriel

    Simple & straight to the point GM Ticket Tool

    This is a simple GM tool for Trinity Core EMU for reading in game submitted player tickets. Its pretty basic as it pulls data from the Character DB at the GM_Tickets table and pulls player account ID to mate the ticket to the account who submitted the ticket. This script-set lists all submitted...
  8. Adriel

    Live server online status with ajax registration fade in modal

    This is a dynamic auto refreshing server status page with an account registration fade in modal. I created this originally for mangos EMu some time ago and recently modified the registration code for TrinityCore and WoW Cataclysm What this does is auto updates your server systems online status...
  9. Adriel

    Kaja'Cola Quest bug fix

    Run this SQL query to fix the Kaja'Cola goblin start area quest questgiver to supply you with the 6-pack of kaja'cola to turn in. This is for the EMU Coach 4.3.4 Cataclysm repack MySQL world database UPDATE `quest_template` SET `SourceItemId`='54453', `SourceItemCount`='1' WHERE (`Id`='25473')