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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    Most likely not, because I guess there are some (minor) table differences between this thing and open source TC. I support only open source emulators (TC, AC and partially cmangos wrath)
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    And there is a new video showcasing the editor :)
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    This editor works with open source emulators: TrinityCore Wrath, TrinityCore Cata (The Cataclysm Preservation Project), TrinityCore Master, AzerothCore (wrath) and CMangos (wrath) :)
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    you can now pick and edit gossip menu options directly during editing a smart script 🥳 the editor is still in development and new features are constantly released
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    A new video showcasing the editor in a real world wow scene example :)
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    Bunch of new features added! Among many: * New "Problems" panel which in real time displays detected problems with the script (see the screenshot) * _template tables editing! * spell_area, creature_text, vehicle_template_accessory and gossip_menu_option editing with built-in conditions editing
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    Hey, gameobject script editing works just like creature script editing. You just use File -> New and select `gameobject` script. There is no tutorial for objects scripting, but it works the same like for creatures.
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    Oh, that’s surprising, I didn’t expect it was possible to change installation path and I wasn’t aware it breaks things! But good it works now
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    Have you installed .NET Desktop Runtime 5.0.3 x64 from this link: It will not work if you install .net runtime (without „dekstop”) and it might not work (But I am not sure) if you install x86...
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    I am willing to hear to feedback, both good and bad :) Sadly, within current application architecture it is not trivial to localize the application. I would really like to add translations, but now I want to focus on other things. It is definitely on my todo list, but for now it has rather low...
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    WoW Database Editor (smart script SAI editor)

    INTRODUCTION Smart Scripts are cool, they make scripting really easy. However, creating and editing them is really tedious, onerous and burdensome. Events and actions are NOT self-describing and new developers have to either test them through trial and error or analyze the code in core (which...
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    Visual SAI Studio

    Smart Scripts are cool, they make scripting really easy. However, creating and editing them is really tedious, onerous and burdensome. Events and actions are NOT self-describing and new developers have to either test them through trial and error or analyse code in core (which requires some...