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  1. HydraProject

    Alliance Human Starting Zone & More

    ####### 4.3.4 7.0 (1) Bug List ####### ###################################### Black Battle Worg (Alliance Human Starting Zone) Incorrect walking speed Blackrock Spy (Alliance Human Starting Zone) 50% Transparency Buff doesn't disappear once engaged Spell ID "37800" Blackrock Spy (Alliance...
  2. HydraProject

    Thread: Manually patching wow up to from 3.3.5A

    I've got an issue im trying to manually patch a 3.3.5a client up to i've downloaded the patch and when i click the updater it throws this error does any one know how to do it? " The installer does not need to be applied. It requires a version of "WoW.exe" older than, but you...
  3. HydraProject

    Version 5.1 Bug Report

    This is my following Bug Report Weapons: , "Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest" legendary item. This does not proc at all. "When you deal damage, you have a chance to gain the Wrath of Tarecgosa, duplicating the harmful spell." i've used this staff on both Mage...