Search results

  1. E

    Dragonflight 10.1.7 Rotation Bot?

    Hey, I am looking for any Rotation bot that supports 10.1.7 DF Private Servers. Anyone know one? Best Regards, Erathon
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    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    Thanks a lot for this release! <3
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    Project Astoria | 2.4.3 TBC Classless Server | + Custom Expansion! (5 New Zones etc.)

    Welcome to Project Astoria! - High Risk, FFA PvP! The 2.4.3 TBC Classless Server based on 3.3.5a (WOTLK) + Custom Expansion! Project Astoria is the continuation of Project Felwood. We have only changed the concept. We are working on a completely new expansion with a completely new continent...
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    World of Private | WoW Emulation Discord Community with 600+ Users! | Join us today!

    World of Private is a longstanding Discord community created with the intention of connecting members from various wow emulation forums on a new, more fast paced, platform. Whether you're a server owner trying to advertise your project, a developer looking for work, a streamer trying to build a...
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    Aternion | Level 20 Twink Server | Mists of Pandaria | Blizzlike

    Aternion 20 | Mists of Pandaria | Twink Server (Blizzlike) What is Aternion 20? Aternion or Aternion 20 is a World of Warcraft private server with version 5.4.x. Our goal is to create the first Mists of Pandaria Twink server with a level 20 scaled world. It will offer content for PvP (BGs...
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    10 FREE Beta Keys for Firestorm: Battle for Azeroth!

    Hey guys, World of Private is currently giving away 10 Beta Keys for the Closed Beta of Firestorm for their upcoming Battle for Azeroth Realm, which starts on 11.02.19! To win a key all you have to do is join our discord! Good luck! Discord: Grüße, Lushen!
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    [NEW] WoW: Private-Server Discord! (+ BfA Private Servers!)

    Hey there, Since MrGM changed its Discord Channel from P-Server to Retail News and Services. We would like to offer you a new community to advertise your server, to be able to read you different news. So you will always be up to date when you join our Discord Server, especially when you are on...
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    [7.1.5] AsterionWoW - Level 20 Twink Server | Arenas, BGs, World Bosses and Dungeons!

    Hey there! we are the Team of "AsterionWoW" and we plan to open our Legion Realm. Where we offer some custom coded stuff and much much more. What do we offer at "Asterion"? -> Level 20 Twink PvP * Arenas, BGs and Open World PvP -> Level 20 Twink PvE * Dungeons, World Bosses, Quests -> All...
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    AsterionWoW 1.12.1 - Instant 55 Blizzlike Server! | All Rates x4

    Welcome to AsterionWoW, we are a fresh started Serverproject. We worked in past time with 2 members at our 1.12.1 core and now we are ready to publish. We want to go live! The PTR "Asterion 1.12.1 [PvP]" goes online on: 22.03.17 - 20:00 GMT+1 (Open Beta) 15.04.17 - 19:00 GMT+1 (Full Release)...
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    [Legion] World of Warcraft Launcher - v1.0 | by. Asrael

    Hello, at the moment I work at a Launcher for mainly WoW Legion! (Can be changed in Photoshop) The Launcher is not completely finished. Need some improvements. Its coded in VB10 (Visual Basic) and Photoshop (For the Layout). But first of all sorry for my bad english im from germany. The...
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    Script for Mangos Zero 1.12.1 for a Level 55 Gear Vendor?!

    Hello, currently we are working on a project named "Asterion" and this will be an Instant 55 Server (but for that later.) The last step to our Beta release is a Vendor who sells for Free Gear for Level 55 chars for every class horde and alliance. Who can help us with this? Best regards, Erathon