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  1. P

    All right, your authenthication servers are malfunctioning.

    Sincerely, you need to fix it. Tired of my key failing to validate and even the brand new one I requested fails to validate.
  2. P

    Event Horizon - A SmartAI Editor (TrinityCore, Emucoach..)

    This is exactly what I was looking for.
  3. P

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thanks, be interesting to try.
  4. P

    [3.3.5 & 4.3.4 & 5.4.8+) Beastmaster NPC

    Nice, thanks.
  5. P

    Can't connect, malformed packet

    Malformed packets are generally a packet loss. But considering you're communicating with yourself you shouldn't.. Only thing I can possibly thing of is an Anti Virus or some sort of Firewall blocking communication. Or simply blocking that program from running. That or you need to open...
  6. P

    Auth server wont open

    This error? 0xc000007b If so; Step 1: Delete all items from Ace.dll and down. Step 2: Extract the zip containing the Auth and World servers BACK into the same spot. Step 3: Run Apache Stop in your Server Folder. Step 4: Run MySql. Step 5: Run Auth Server Step 6: Run World Server Step...
  7. P

    authserver 0xc000007b error wont start patch 5.4.8 pandaria

    So to be clear. Clean out the folder that contains Auth and World Server and it's files. Not like your DB2 DBC folders or anything like that. Then (or you could simply skip first step and extract the folder again (zip file) back into the folder containing the files and overwrite). On your...
  8. P

    authserver 0xc000007b error wont start patch 5.4.8 pandaria

    Quick question, did you install Open SSL and copy the DLL's over? If so, I want you to NOT do that next time. Delete or simply extract that folder containing the Auth and Worldserver. And simply Start your SQL, Auth and World in that order. I've noticed if people follow the directions of...