Search results

  1. HellHammer

    Red Death Gaming 4.3.4 blizzlike 1x rates private server.

    Red Death Gaming are a community of laid back active players of all types of games. The admins are very experienced with running servers of all kinds especially WoW private server emulation. We have recently upgraded from WotLK 3.3.5 to Cataclysm 4.3.4 as voted on by our community meaning that...
  2. HellHammer


    Does anyone one have a copy of Truice that works with emucoach 4.3.4?
  3. HellHammer

    5.4.7 client download?

    Does anyone have a 5.4.7 client download or know where i can down load it at?
  4. HellHammer

    Goblin starter area crash

    [Name, Type] Life of the party (phase) [What it does] when I go into the area to entertain the party goers it crashes my client. [What it should do] should be able to stay that phase until the quest is complete
  5. HellHammer

    Resilient Gaming 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King Blizzlike 1x server

    Resilient gaming has been a community for many years, first starting in 2009 to present.We are completely blizzlike for our players to enjoy the game as intended. We do not offer pay to win,Instant 80,donor gear,or require our players to vote for gear however we do offer recruit a friend rewards...
  6. HellHammer

    [VIP 6.2] Shaman searing totem bug

    [Name, Type] Searing totem , spell [What it does] After I've finished fighting an NPC the searing totem continues to attack random targets. [What it should do] the totem should only attack targets that i do and stop attacking after I have killed the npc. [Link]
  7. HellHammer

    [VIP 6.2 QUESTS] Dun Morogh bugs

    Kharanos Strike from Above [Name, Type] Quest (ID-25841) Strike from Above [What it does] I used the flares and no planes show up to bomb. [What it should do] The flares should signal the planes to drop bombs on the retreats giving a count for each retreat i use the flares at...
  8. HellHammer

    [VIP 6.1 QUESTS] Dun Morogh bugs

    Kharanos Strike from Above [Name, Type] Quest (ID-25841) Strike from Above [What it does] I used the flares and no planes show up to bomb. [What it should do] The flares should signal the planes to drop bombs on the retreats giving a count for each retreat i use the flares at...
  9. HellHammer

    [VIP 6.1 QUESTS] bug reports for human and gnome areas

    GNOME STARTER Down With Crushcog! [Name, Type] Quest (ID- 26364) Down with Crushcog! [What it does] The whole fight is scripted and it allows me to kill crushcog. [What it should do] it should give a kill credit after killing crushcog but it does not. [Link]...
  10. HellHammer

    V 6.1 Goblin starter area issues

    -Kezan- Rolling with my homies (14071) - can't pick up friends. Maxx Avalanche (34695) - not flagged as shaman trainer. (FIXED) -Shipwreck shore- Maxx Avalanche (35786)- not flagged as shaman trainer. (FIXED) Back to Aggra (14303) - Aggra (35875) in wrong phase. -Oomlot Village- *Izzy...
  11. HellHammer

    V6 Undead stater area bugs

    -Garren's Haunt- (quest=24999)planting the seed of fear - no tadpoles are spawned to scare. -The Bulwark- *The inn doesn't give rested* (quest=25009) At war with the scarlet crusade- only one (npc=1537) scarlet zealot is spawned. (FIXED) (quest=25046) A daughter's embrace - high priest Voss...
  12. HellHammer

    Version 6 Draenei area bug reports

    -Crash site- (quest=26969) primal strike- No dummys are spawned to use primal strike on to get the count. - FIXED
  13. HellHammer

    Version 6 bug reports.

    (I will add to this as I go.) -Kezan- No trainers are spawned in the goblin starter area when I spawned in. the quest "Good help is hard to find" *( quest ID 14069) isn't giving credits ( I could shock the trolls but it didn't give a count) so i couldn't go any farther without gm...
  14. HellHammer

    Looking for a Trinity 4.3.4 vote page

    I"m looking for a vote page that is compatible with trinity 4.3.4 I 'm not real big on CMS I always have issues with it. but I want the independent page that basically have the same functions. I already have a registration page that shows the status, how to connect, and has a link to the I just...
  15. HellHammer

    Looking for a Trinity 4.3.4 account creation page

    Can someone make or find me a trinity 4.3.4 account creation page preferably not CMS. I've looked all over and have only found cms pages and thank you in advance!
  16. HellHammer


    Is the autobroadcast message written into the core? I've tried to edit it in the world database and then I had done a .reload autobroadcast command in game but it's still the same message.
  17. HellHammer

    Looking for developers

    We have been running a private server since 2006, however we were forced to take a break due to real life issues some of our staff faced. In taking a break we lost most of our staff including all of our Devs. It doesn't matter if you have a little or a lot of experience we are accepting anyone...
  18. HellHammer

    Cannot create a new character

    Every time I try to create another character when i'm finished I click accept then it takes me to the character screen and the character is not there I deleted a characters to try to make a new one now it's not letting me make any new characters at all I think there might be a corruption in the...
  19. HellHammer

    First round of bug reports

    Death Knight starter Area -Massacre At Light's Point (ID= 12701) the carts are target-able but they are set as vehicles so you can't ride the cart to the ship to get to the cannons to finish the quest. -Bloody Breakout(id=12727) there isn't an area trigger outside for the npc Koltira to run...
  20. HellHammer

    Bug reports?

    Where would you like bug reports to be posted? I found a few bugged quests in a couple starter areas