Search results

  1. Demon_skeith

    How many more years

    Do you believe that WoW will last? Do you think it will last forever or finally shut down one day?
  2. Demon_skeith

    First video game

    What was the very first video game you played and for what system?
  3. Demon_skeith

    Mobile Phone

    What kind of phone do you use? a simple cell phone or a smartphone?
  4. Demon_skeith


    Anyone here listen to this rock opera band? They have a lot of good tracks.
  5. Demon_skeith


    Anyone here watch any anime? What are you currently watching?
  6. Demon_skeith

    8th Gen Consoles

    So anyone here have any of the 8th gen consoles? This includes PS4, Wii U, Xbox one, Vita and 3DS.
  7. Demon_skeith

    WoW Cons

    So has anyone here ever gone to any WOW conventions? To meet other fans and those in your clan in real life?
  8. Demon_skeith


    Hey everyone, I am the great gamer Demon_skeith :cool: and it's good to be here. ;)