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    Dragon soul final boss

    Can use the gm command to get back to madness of deathwing area: .go xyz -12074 12159 0
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    Dragon soul final boss

    I am having the same issue. I wiped on madness and can't get back in. The portal to madness doesn't work at the entrance. I also tried going to the blackhorn ship and the portal there also doesn't work. is there a gm command to teleport to the maelstrom so I can finish the fight?
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    Cata server growing to massive sizes

    Thanks for the link! I was searching for a thread but nothing came up
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    Cata server growing to massive sizes

    I've been playing the VIP 18 gold cataclysm server for about a week now and it keeps growing in size. It is now 50GB. I only have 100 bots. Is there a way to slow down it's growing size? Would disabling bots help? What can I do wipe the non essential info to decrease it's size? Thanks