Search results

  1. J

    Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP

    Sadly I been looking for a working repack that the mythic+ affixes work and along with mythic+ loot. Every repack I tired so far none of the feature work. Hopefully there would be a working repack so can do some mythic+ and raid content.
  2. J

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Anyone know the command to create account and set the battlenet account for it so I can be able to lets my friend play as well?
  3. J

    [CMaNGOS] 2.4.3 Friendly Repack

    Don't see any playerbot or Ahbot. How can I make it work to see it?
  4. J

    Cliff Smits 255 fun repack

    If anyone has the repack can they kindly reupload the repack so download link to work thanks!
  5. J

    Fun Server Release Haste - High Stats

    Link dead can anyone repost up a working link to download it. Thanks!!
  6. J


    Dead link any update with new one?
  7. J

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    How come for the new latest version I only see the only role is Tank only where the Heal and Dps role?
  8. J

    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    I tried following the steps but still have the same problem occur
  9. J

    4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

    Going to test it out been trying to find a client to work since I just bought VIP just for Cata :)
  10. J

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Can't wait to test it out after I get VIP :)
  11. J

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Does this come with 1v1 arena or no? just wondering :)
  12. J

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    basically trinity server command where can I find the commands for it?
  13. J

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    This work for 3.3.5a?
  14. J

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    And where can I find the commands for npcbot and ahbot, I'm pretty new to npcbot and ahbot
  15. J

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Is there a way a friend can come join?
  16. J

    TrinityCore 335 NPCBOTS Repack latest source as of 4_19_22

    Can friends join in this "SOLO" server? or just only us solo only
  17. J

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    English version?