Search results

  1. S

    [NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

    Wanna check, so let's reply, Ty.
  2. S

    Count To 2.000

  3. S

    Emucoach presents: New custom forum theme!

    The new web site is actually pretty good, i love it.
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    [SQL] Tol'barad Peninsula spawn fixes for MoP 5.4.8

    Anyone know if it's now in the base updates or we still need to make the change ourselves ?
  5. S

    MoP Premium repack problem.

    Hi everyone, Two days ago, when i started doing the isle of thunder quest line, bot started to behave strangely (keep appearing and disappearing without being able to do anything, couldn't be selected, not kicked, they were following me, taking the aggro of monsters i wanted to fight, and...
  6. S

    [Loot] Loot on Timeless Isle

    Just checking the forum because i have a similar problem, just did more than 200 loots, not a single plate, not even once. Leather appear the most, then mail almost as much, then cloth a bit less. i'd say 40/30/20/10% (leather > mail > cloth> others like ring, back and trinket *maybe plate*)...