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  1. M

    Old core Cmake Issue

    Hi everyone, I haven't been dealing with server work for a long time, but I have an old core, cmake gives an error, I can't fix it, I would appreciate if someone could explain to me why this happened, Configure does it without errors, but (When Generate it gives a Water Error, the picture...
  2. M

    Sunwell 15x Blizlike High Rates 3.3.5a

    Sunwell 15x Realm info - Free to play...note: its not a pay to win server!!!!! - A fresh WOTLK server with lots of content.(3.3.5a) -High Rates - Blizzlike. - 15xp rate -20x Quest rate - 4x Gold rate - 3x Proff gain skills rate -Uncoomon rate 3x rate -Rare 3x rate -Epic 2x rate -Auto Learn...