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  1. H

    DugisGuideViewerZ (Levelings/professions/prof/dungeon...)

    Nice thanks Linkon! ♥
  2. H

    MoP bot idea?

    Im not sure if anyone else has asked this so I thought I would ask here myself is it possible to have opposite side faction bots running around the world in lets say pandaria or northrend that you can attack to give it a little more of a live experience or is this already a thing and I have yet...
  3. H

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    nice! I'll have to check this out :D
  4. H

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    interesting concept