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  1. raist77

    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

    Well I am way behind, and trying to migrate from Cata VIP 6.1 to Cata VIP 17.1, and ran into problems not having OpenSSL installed, then I had the wrong version installed, then I began editing the database to add the new fields into a copy of my 6.1 DB, using the new 17.1 DB as the template. So...
  2. raist77

    [3.3.5 & 4.3.4] Profession NPC, clean and updated

    Nice! Thanks!
  3. raist77

    Mobile vBulletin

    I just took this with my Galaxy S7 Edge. I couldn't upload it directly from my phone because of the file upload limits (default screentshot size was 1440 x 2560) lol This is not a huge deal really, because you can always scroll to the bottom and select Full Site
  4. raist77

    Mobile vBulletin

    Does anyone else have issues viewing the forums on mobile? It's hard to reply or quote because the icons are underneath the grey bar for the next post. The sub-forums are always collapsed as well.
  5. raist77

    FusionCMS 6.1 for Emucoach v4.3.4 Repack

    Before I get started on this rather involved project, does anyone have all or parts of FusionCMS 6.1 that is working with v4.3.4? If not, I'm working on a complete setup, which I will release (either in modules or as a full revision). Anyone wishing to contribute to this project, please PM me...
  6. raist77

    v6.1 Bugs/Issues from Raist

    I always hate that bug reporting seems a lot like complaining, so to start; awesome job Emu Team! Now for something completely different... (FIXED)I don't know if any commands have been changed, but /port & .port appear to be missing. New command is .tele I also noticed any mounts that allow...
  7. raist77

    Your v4 MySQL and You (EMU 4.3.4 Repack-Exporting/Importing to v6.1) w/o CharImporter

    So I grabbed the v4 repack from a post from some other forums. Eventually I found my way here. Then I saw there were more current versions of the 4.3.4 repack, so I happily donated and got my hands on the latest release. Of course I wanted to copy existing characters from v4 to v6.1, but the...