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  1. S

    Database question

    PS also does anyone know if there is a list somewhere of values? Like what number equates to an attribute, or an inventory type, etc. I've been just trying to play the game and use items in game then look at the DB to translate. So like I have this so far: foreach...
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Is this the appropriate thread to report issues with it? I downloaded this repack recently and have been playing through, and found several oddities. Wasn't sure though if this is the right place to report them or not...? Actually, I guess I'll just go ahead and list them awhile. I've never...
  3. S

    Connectivity issue

    Yup, that was it :) I set the realmlist IP to the public 50 IP and everything was golden. Well.. eventually. Setting the 50 IP fixed it for my sister, but broke it for me as I'm within the NAT'd network. Thankfully pfSense has a pure NAT configuration option that allows for NAT reflection...
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    Connectivity issue

    Ahhh. I have it set as the local internal IP, as I assumed it was related to binding. I'll try that, thanks!
  5. S

    Database question

    Howdy. I made a web status display for my MoP server because I saw all those data sitting there and wanted to do something with it, lol. A few things are stymying me though. Does anyone know how to find one's max HP in the DB? I see mop_characters.characters has a field "health", but that's...
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    Connectivity issue

    (shrug) Maybe it's some sort of problem on her end, or her network. I guess I should find a friend with WoW who can try, as a third party.
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    Connectivity issue

    She's in another location. The 50 IP is a public static IP. Thanks for confirming the ports, I don't like poking unnecessary holes in the firewall. Hmmmm that's weird. I can't fathom what is the issue. I use pfSense firewall, and it's setup to allow those: I also made sure Windows allows...
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    Question about fetch quests with parties

    Hello. I was wondering... my friend recently completed the Pandaren intro storyline and appeared at Stormwind. I went and met with her, and we headed toward Westfall as she's level 13. On the way, we stopped at the tower and got the gnoll armband quest. We're in a party, so when I click a...
  9. S

    Can't defeat an enemy?

    Thanks. For anyone else who happens across this, when my sister joined she played a Pandaren shaman and was able to successfully defeat Jaomin Ro. I told her STOOOOOP as soon as she killed him, before she went to talk to Xi. I grabbed the database values, so if you have this problem log out...
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    Connectivity issue

    Hello. I have a weird problem. I have a Pandaria server setup and it's working fine on my LAN. I wanted my sister to join, so I opened it to the net. I created an account for her, but she can't get in. What I've done in my setup: Downloaded the MoP repack and set it all up on a machine...
  11. S

    Can't defeat an enemy?

    Hello. Now that I have my server working, I logged in to try out a Padaren character. Made a warrior. Got to the quest where I have to defeat Jaomin Ro, but he won't go down. I thought ok, maybe it's one of those you must experience defeat humility quests, but nah, he ends me and sends me to...
  12. S

    Realm offline

    OMFG I'm such a moron. I almost don't want to admit this, lol. When I decided to play WoW again, I figured I'd download Cataclysm as WotLK was the last one I played. But after I downloaded and extracted it, my kid was like nooooo I want the one with the pandas!! (She loves pandas lol). So...
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    Realm offline

    I did on the first build. The second build I left it alone as everything was running on my local machine. I wanted to rule out a firewall / network issue. Even when I run it all on this PC though, I get realm offline. I checked to ensure it was actually listening as well...
  14. S

    Realm offline

    Hi. I downloaded the MoP server pack, was feeling nostalgia for some WoW and wanted to play some. Got everything setup, but my realm is always listed as offline. I had it on a spare DL380G5 server and poked holes in the firewall for TCP 3724/8085. I saw in a post somewhere a person saying...