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  1. TheGofa

    Project: Client 4.3.4 (15595) in HD Mode is closed, it will be done in private.

    I am still very interested, could you please be so kind as to keep me posted too. Many thanks for all your hard work...
  2. TheGofa

    Problem with the 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Thanks I will keep my eye open there :) Thanks very much for all your help !!
  3. TheGofa

    Problem with the 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    I grabbed the Midgard Server, works like a dream !! Thanks for the suggestion, and yes the TauriWoW client runs perfectly, appreciate your help... Also, is there any "thread" that I can keep an eye on, for the new repack that DamianInABox is working on, for updates, news etc ?? Regards, TheGofa
  4. TheGofa

    Problem with the 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Could someone please delete this post ive added them all in to one to save space, thank you.
  5. TheGofa

    Problem with the 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Thanks very much for the help, no rush here so I can wait. Appreciate your reply Blackvision Cant use GM to validate, it doesnt help as you actually cant enter the building and you need to go through to continue your journey. I wasnt sure that the 5.4.7 was fully fleshed out. Will the same...
  6. TheGofa

    Problem with the 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Hi there, Everything went well installing and running, but once I get to the 3rd quest, to defeat the 6 trainees, I cant get in ??? Heres a screenshot, theres an extra pair of doors ?? Not sure what to do now, its totally stopped any progress, any help would be much appreciated. TheGofa
  7. TheGofa

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    Cant wait to try your repack, thanks so much for all your hard work.
  8. TheGofa

    Project: Client 4.3.4 (15595) in HD Mode is closed, it will be done in private.

    Holy Moly those models are amazing, love the Succubus especially. Its going to be a massive undertaking but what an amazing upgrade to play!!
  9. TheGofa

    Mysql Beginners Guide

    This has been very helpful for someone as non tech as I am. It explained a good enough amount to get my little 3.3.5 server up and running, thank you !!
  10. TheGofa

    [SUGGESTIONS] About the npcbots system

    Ive only just gotten into the NPCBots scene, but to be able to pick out different roles for the bots would be amazing. At present they seem very one dimensional and hard to control at times. Great ideas!!
  11. TheGofa

    Launcher idea

    Wow, if you can do a client launcher and a server launcher, and make it EmuCoach branded that would be so good for the site and its popularity!
  12. TheGofa

    5.4.8 Client Download - Full Downloader (No background download) - Torrent MOP

    Appreciate all your hard work here, thank you :giggle:
  13. TheGofa

    Which class/race are you playing?

    Ive always enjoyed Hunter. I currently have an Orc Hunter called Jadebow, with a Silver-Blue Storm Wolf called Nimbus. I think the main reason is because having a companion at my side, that will never leave me, is like my RL dog :)
  14. TheGofa

    Count To 2.000

    642 600 plus the meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything...
  15. TheGofa

    Nice to meet you all !

    Hello there, Im Mike, I live in Auckland New Zealand and have been playing MMOs for 25 years plus. Started in much smaller MMOs but progressed through to Everquest on day 1 release, and still enjoy the FTP version but miss all my Guild members from back in the day. I played a lot of Dark Age...
  16. TheGofa

    Pepsi or Coca Cola?

    Ive always been a Pepsi drinker, but once I was older and drank spirits with a mixer, I found Coca Cola tasted better as a mixer than Pepsi :)
  17. TheGofa

    Why did you leave Retail?

    Hi everyone, Why and when did you stop playing retail WoW, im really interested to know what killed it for you. For me it was Cataclysm expansion, I just couldnt get used to Orgrimmar all twisted and everything in the wrong place. Also, I just couldnt get over my favorite levelling area and...
  18. TheGofa

    5.4.8 MoP repack.

    Oh ok, I totally understand thank you. Just a quick question, on my WotLK server, and once I can get the MoP repack too, is there a way to change the riding level down to say level 10?? Many thanks, TG
  19. TheGofa

    5.4.8 MoP repack.

    Hi there, Just wondering how I am able to post a reply on the thread from Jack Sparrow, so I can download the repack for MoP. Ive got the 3.3.5 Trinity WotLK repack that my son and I play on but we would like to try the MoP expansion. Any help would be very kind. Many Thanks, TG.