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  1. G

    For some reason, it doesn't like the new MoP key. Emucoach: Please enter your license key...

    For some reason, it doesn't like the new MoP key. Emucoach: Please enter your license key: SHkv-eqOC-Q2Ih-O6Jc Invalid license key.
  2. G

    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    Ran into this today. Neither .eu or .com fixes it.
  3. G

    [Quest] The Double Hozen Dare

    The quest "The Double Hozen Dare" (29716) is broken. The NPC (An Windfur) that starts this quest chain does not have a yellow question mark above her head. The "?" is only visible on the minimap/compass and map screens. The quests in Dawn's Blossom are not available in this town because of this...
  4. G

    Quest : Lycanthoth The Corruptor

    Ran into this just now (Cata repack). Had to abandon the quest numerous times before Goldrinn appeared. Now I have a quest-breaking bug. After the Goldrinn cinematic (where you ride on his back), the area did NOT phase into the part where the Worgen are gone. So there are no herbs to pick, no...
  5. G

    Is there a way to get the Cata or MoP versions working on a VPN?

    I've tried allowing worldserver.exe, Authserver.exe and MySQL.exe tunneling access (VPN disabled for these files) but the license fails. If I exit my VPN everything works fine. I tried searching for VPN in the search field on the forums and received zero hits. Is there something else I have to...
  6. G

    The Horde quest "To The Rescue!" (Give by Kadrak at Mor'shan Rampart) is bugged for me.

    Ran into a phasing issue with Splintertree Post. The Horde quest "To The Rescue!" (Give by Kadrak at Mor'shan Rampart) is suppose to have night elf hunters and ancient Protectors attacking the outpost just outside the gates. When I arrive there's just the regular base. When I execute ".gm on"...
  7. G

    Mop V4 death knight starting zone?!

    I don't mind skipping the DK zone, I know a number of repacks have this option modded into the first quest Arthus gives. As is, the start at Stormwind has issues, as the death knight character never picks up the spells they slowly get through the death knight starting area/tutorial, e.g. The...
  8. G

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    I'm not sure how it's supposed to operate. I clicked on the button and received the syntax error immediately in the chat window. I wasn't asked for the alt's name to type in or select from a list of alts.
  9. G

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    The "add alt" button is giving me a syntax error.
  10. G

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thank you
  11. G

    4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

    Fingers are crossed... will this be the one?
  12. G

    4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

    Finders crossed... will this be the one?