Search results

  1. I

    Is there a repack for shadowland 9.2.7?

    Create one.
  2. I

    Worldserver.exe with own MySQL Server (Version 8) doesn't work

    I recommend you to use older version of MySQL
  3. I

    ShadowCore 9.0.2 Repack (WoW - Shadowlands)

    It was, three years ago. Now original repack isn't available.
  4. I

    World Of Warcraft 9.1 ALPHA Repack By : KyrianCORE

    It has many crashes and 0 scripts. People without knowledge ''worked'' on it.
  5. I

    [WTS] Repack and source [Legion 7.3.5/26124]

    People can have it for FREE.
  6. I

    TrinityCore3.3.5 text mistaken code problem

    Report it on proper place, which is
  7. I

    Is there a more complete version of Shadowlands that can be played?

    I posted link, you didn't check my posts.
  8. I

    Is there a more complete version of Shadowlands that can be played?

    ''Nicely'' can be very different poem for each person. Like, if you expect that everything will work, rather pay for retail.
  9. I

    Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP Blizzlike Repacks

    You have here x repacks for legion, all of them based on same uwow leak.
  10. I

    Is there a more complete version of Shadowlands that can be played?

    Noone care, because ShadowCore/DragonCore have more work done, more content is working, there are more crashfixes, etc. DekkCore also had x private servers in past to fast earn money and then they turned off the server for lifetime, that's worth to mention. As bonus, their ''head dev'' can't...
  11. I

    Is there a more complete version of Shadowlands that can be played?

    There is one version, the best one.... DekkCore is scam, their ''devs'' have 0 knowledge, can't script most of the stuff on their own. But do not expect playable stuff for FREE.
  12. I

    Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cata, MOP Blizzlike Repacks

    It will not bring new developers to the scene, trust me i tried that many times long time ago. Also, developer is supposed to know how compile source code.
  13. I

    Loot problem

    Correct, Blizzard changed that
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    Yes, max 5 min of work
  16. I

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    It is no longer developed, no link then.