I noticed even when using the command, that it doesn't add the little icon to show if they are a healer, tank, or dps, and so if we atleast make it to where the Check Role is able to be used, we don't have to set them ourselves. Also, Ready Check to simulate real boss battles, and even give some...
Amazing work to always see from you Likon, I enjoyed the playerbot addon for the older version, and I have upvoted your post and I am sure this one will be as amazing as the last <3
If in any situation you have needed to inject an exploit or get a bot running for WoW in the Mists of Pandaria Expansion, you sometimes need a LUA Unlocker, like in the example of WRobot. So, I am providing the program that will allow you to run bigger exploits. Enjoy! I hope this helps! This...
LazyBot is an external program for World of Warcraft. This bot allows you to do many things, and farming is the main thing this bot is really good at. The download link is below and this post is translated in French, Spanish, and English. I do not have a lot of information as it has been a long...
Proud to see that someone is going the extra mile with addons like these. I have already gotten a couple of your addons and they are wonderful.
Keep going!