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  1. S


    I have met so many people that absolutely love cheese and could eat it every day and then I have met some people who only eat certain cheeses and they don't eat it too often. I am not a big cheese eater myself however I do like to have some cheeses every so often such as blue cheese, cream...
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    Online Friends

    Over the years I have met a lot of people online whom I now call friends. Some of them I have known not for nearly a decade but I have never met them in person however I always speak to them online. What are your thoughts on online friends? Are you someone who has a lot of them or are you not...
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    Pepsi or Coca Cola?

    This has always been something of a debate between coca cola and pepsi lovers alike. I myself am more of a fan of coca cola over pepsi but I can drink pepsi but I have known some people to not like either pepsi or coca cola at all. What is your most preferred when drinking?
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    Eating with chop sticks?

    Something I have never been able to grasp is eating with chop sticks. I remember my Mum owning some when I was a kid and I used to attempt numerous times if we had any kind of Chinese food but I never worked out how to hold it and keep the food in place so I gave up. Are you able to use chop...
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    I love Spring, we get weather that is just right not too cold and not too warm and when the sun shines it always puts me in a good mood. I also love to see the different colours that appear on the tree's and flowers when they start blooming. What do you like about Spring? Would you say Spring...
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    Ear Infections

    I have not had an ear infection for so long, in fact, I believe I was a kid the last time I had an ear infection and don't believe I have had one in my adult life until now. I hate how my ear feels clogged and how I can not hear properly out of it which makes some tasks really difficult for me...
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    Chores you hate doing?

    I don't mind doing most chores however there are a few chores I hate doing and they are ironing and washing up. As of right now I do not have the use of a dish washer so I am having to wash dishes by hand right now. What chores do you really hate doing?
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    WWE Wrestling.

    I have been a huge fan of WWE Wrestling since I was around 5-6 years old. I remember it was my cousin who got me interested in it as he used to watch it a lot and I remember him having a huge life sized poster of the Undertaker on his wall. I now still watch WWE and I am always super excited...
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    Light nights or dark nights?

    I don't know about anyone else but I love it when the clocks jump forward and the nights start getting lighter. The kids can play out more during the better days and it puts me in a lot better mood seeing the lighter nights and the better weather. Are you someone who prefers the lighter nights...
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    Health not being taken seriously?

    I don't know what it is like for most but sometimes I feel that health is not always taken serious by doctors and the like. I have been suffering now with headaches that are unusual for me and dizzy spells for a short while now and calling the doctor today to explain has resulted in me having to...
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    Night Owl or Early Bird?

    I remember when I was younger I always used to have problems with sleeping and at one point I did unfortunately suffer with insomnia so I did spend a lot of time awake on a night and sleeping during the day. Luckily now I do not have that problem and I tend to sleep a lot better now and I am...
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    Who remembers Super Mario?

    Playing Super Mario is one of my favourite memories from childhood. I used to spend hours up on hours on Mario when I was a kid playing the Super Mario games and one that always sticks in my mind the most is Yoshi's Island where Mario is a baby and rides around on Yoshi's back. That game was...
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    What helps you relax?

    We all suffer stress at some point in our lives whether it be from day to day life or stress from work it's something that is common between many people. I often suffer with stress being that I have 4 kids and that can create stress a lot of the time. What do you find helps you to relax after...
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    Raging on games

    One thing I have never understood about people who play game is why they rage? It makes no sense to me to get yourself all worked up and stressed out over a game that you will forget about after a short while. I often bump into people who rage online on games such as Call of Duty and some of...
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    Luke Bryan

    Luke Bryan is one of my favourite Country singers. It was only a few years ago that a friend in the US introduced me to him and since listening to a song of his called Drunk on You I managed to find his albums and I was amazed at how good he and his music are. Are there any other fans of Luke...
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    Your favourite console from childhood?

    If you are a gamer there is a very good chance you were a gamer as a kid, I was and I still am now despite what others tell me about being older and being a gamer. I remember when I used to game as a kid my favourite console was the Super Nintendo. I also had the Sega Master System but putting...
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    What consoles do you own?

    As of right now I currently own an Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Xbox Original, Nintendo Wii, PS Vita, PSP, laptop that is capable of gaming and Nintendo DS. I am looking to maybe get a Wii U however not too sure yet. What consoles do you own right now and do you plan on adding any more to...
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    Personal Hygiene

    I have always been something of a freak when it comes to personal hygiene. I can't stand to see people who have not washed their hands after using the bathroom, who don't shower or like to keep themselves clean. I am someone who has to be clean if I don't feel clean I don't feel good about...
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    Rude People

    We all bump into at least one person who is rude I know I do at least once daily taking my children to school and not only does it annoy me but it can be belittling as well depending on how rude they are and for what reason. How often do you tend to bump into rude people?
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    Dumb and Dumber To

    So this movie was out now a while ago and the hype at finally seeing a sequel to the first movie was quiet intense however I like many others didn't think it would be as good all those years later. I finally watched this movie last week and I was shocked to find out that I was proven wrong and...