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  1. F

    Repack Legion 7.3.5 Actualizado 2021 Marzo

    i need the data from this (if it has it vmaps , mmaps etc)
  2. F

    BASIC WW MONK GUIDE (for noobs)

    Lol short "Guide" Also noticed it's for ascension. How is it like? Never played it
  3. F

    Your favorite race / class?

    human dk all the way
  4. F

    Which patch do you prefer?

    I prefer 3.3.5a & Legion 7.3.5. Mainly developing tho, not much of a player.
  5. F

    How many more years

    There will always be a community for it i believe, if blizzard will keep hosting it is another topic. I believe so, to many die hards will keep playing
  6. F

    could someone have legion 2022 repack?

    thanks for this mate
  7. F

    Count To 2.000

  8. F

    What helps you relax?

    100% agreed with you
  9. F

    What helps you relax?

    3d printing interest me , but sadly dont own a printer. Makes alot of noise from what i've heared but the designing looks cool
  10. F

    What helps you relax?

    good idea CobaltSteel
  11. F

    What helps you relax?

    Playing wow / Developing for wow (Legion) & listening asmr. But all time best is my dog, dogs are awesome :p
  12. F

    Can’t login to private server

    will need more info than this mate, what repack are you using ?