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  1. Bl00DGuY

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Hey thanks a lot for the repack, it will help me a lot to upgrade my family server to legion!
  2. Bl00DGuY

    Hello from Quebec!

    Hey guys, nice website, maybe thinking about getting VIP in the future! I am a programmer and network manager/sysop. Came here to get some good technical stuff about WoW and other online game! Hosted a WotLK server for families and friend for a long time, looking to host my own Legion server.
  3. Bl00DGuY

    What helps you relax?

    Music and programming.
  4. Bl00DGuY

    Bacon or Sausage?

    Both! I just can't decide. :ROFLMAO:
  5. Bl00DGuY

    Chores you hate doing?

    Filling up my vape e-juice bottle. I just can't stand doing it.
  6. Bl00DGuY

    What consoles do you own?

    Xbox One and my good old Xbox 360. Bought a PS5 but regretted it and sold it about 3 month later. I am a PC gamer.
  7. Bl00DGuY

    Why do people hate Cataclysm?

    It wasn't my favorite expac but the world revamp was nice and the launch heroics where good.
  8. Bl00DGuY

    What country are you from?

    I am from Quebec, Canada.
  9. Bl00DGuY

    Sleeping with or without background noise?

    I just can't sleep well without my fan noise in the background.
  10. Bl00DGuY

    Is there a more complete version of Shadowlands that can be played?

    You probably can't expect a "nicely" scripted shadowland repack for a good amount of time imo.
  11. Bl00DGuY

    Emucoach presents: New custom forum theme!

    The website and the theme are both awesome!