I've gotten 4 other repacks working perfectly, & was really looking forward to buying the VIP version of this... Unfortunately, the free version gets stuck at "Connected" no matter what I do.
I can literally side-by-side compare all connection settings in authserver.conf, worldserver.conf, & Heidisql to another repack installed on the same PC that works perfectly & it's set up the same exact way, but no dice. Even swapping out 3 different Cata clients from 3 different sources(Lite Client, Full x64 Client, & Full x86/32-bit Client) all get the same result of stuck at "Connected" with a malformed packet message in console when it gives up trying.
Removing libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll results in an error saying they are missing. Replacing them with the ones linked in the FAQ thread result in an error saying authserver.exe was unable to start correctly. Only the ones that come with the repack allow it to start, but then we're back to "Connected" ...
This tells me that there must be something fundamentally wrong with this repack & I should not waste my money on the VIP version. I'll gladly try again if someone tells me it's fixed, but considering I've seen other saying the same thing on the discord from long ago & it still doesn't work... I'm not holding my breath.
Maybe the paid version works fine. I have yet to see someone saying this about the paid version... but I'm not throwing money at it when the free version seems to indicate otherwise.