Recent content by Morchok125

  1. M

    Open WoW A new Cataclysm Realm

    Open-WoW A New Cataclysm Realm Open wow is a new Cataclysm 4.3.4 instant 85 PvP PvE Server with vicious starting gear for pvp and fireland nm starting gear for pve We have : -3v3 Solo Que Arenas -Arena Spectator -1v1 Arena -Arena Top Ladders -Reworked Legendary Quests -Working Dragon sou...
  2. M

    WoWmortal Reborn

    WoWMortal Reborn WoWMortal looking for new bloods to join the instant 85 4.3.4 server with upcoming Cataclysm Content such as Dragon soul End game Dungeons and we will have some custom contents areas quests New world bossses -we also offer some pvp system like changing battlegrounds required...