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[NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]

Mr. Satan

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Hello everyone at EmuCoach!

I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.

However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.

I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!

For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:

DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
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To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.

This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
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To sum up, this will simply be a wow 3.3.5 trinitycore repack that is available to download for users who don't know how to compile a TrinityCore 3.3.5 themselves, or don't have the ressources.

Mr. Satan will continue this wotlk repack project as a fun way to get back into wow emulation, and a learning process.

It will NOT affect the Cataclysm repack in any way (I won't be working on the 3.3.5), nor will the other developers.

Nor will it affect the upcoming MOP/Legion repack.

Now that's said, it's great to have a 3.3.5 TrinityCore fresh repack for people who are interested in that! I've always felt we missed that.

So thank you very much! [MENTION=12024]Mr. Satan[/MENTION]


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While I update and compile my own TC 3.3.5 server I am certain there are many fellow forum members that will appreciate having the compile part done.
It can be a little intimidating to those not familiar with using GIT, CMAKE and Visual Studio. I don't see if as dividing the development forces by rather offering the community a better selection of emulators to choose from.

Will this continue to have the database autoupdater?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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While I update and compile my own TC 3.3.5 server I am certain there are many fellow forum members that will appreciate having the compile part done.
It can be a little intimidating to those not familiar with using GIT, CMAKE and Visual Studio. I don't see if as dividing the development forces by rather offering the community a better selection of emulators to choose from.

Will this continue to have the database autoupdater?

Only on the development side, it will continue. I don't think it will work unless you have the source.
It will also be possibly developed farther, by me, hopefully. Once I learn it a bit more I hope to make some really good contributions to the repack.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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thanks for this wotlk !! server download seems to be empty... ty

Sorry about that! I'm uploading the new one as I type this. It should be uploaded soon, and I'll edit my original post with the proper server files. Check again in about 30 minutes from when I posted this.
I don't know what happened there, but thanks for pointing it out!

Edit: It's uploaded now. The proper server file download is now posted.
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Banned User
thank you kind friend !!

does anyone know the settings for the holiday events in the world servr to cause the holidays to run..beerfest...darkmoon? ty
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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thank you kind friend !!

does anyone know the settings for the holiday events in the world servr to cause the holidays to run..beerfest...darkmoon? ty

I'm not sure there are settings in the worldserver.conf, or as a GM command.
I could've sworn there was one of those, if not both, to start a holiday event on Cataclysm, so I'm not sure why it isn't here.

Not much I can do about it at the moment, as I've said I'm still learning WoW development, but that is something I'd like to add.


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Only on the development side, it will continue. I don't think it will work unless you have the source.
It will also be possibly developed farther, by me, hopefully. Once I learn it a bit more I hope to make some really good contributions to the repack.

I was toying around with the idea of adding the NPCBot (JCarter) https://bitbucket.org/JCarter4562/tcbotpatches/.
It is old source and integrating it into the current TC source would be a challenge to say the least.

Of course as soon as I do that, updating the core from TC source would mean the possibility of breaking the bot patch and needing to fix it so it works again.

Then there is LordPsyan patch that seems to stay more up-to-date with the current TC source but it is also much more complex than a simple NPCBOT.

If this is something being considered for this reback I would of course hold off in doing it on my own. I could even assist in integrating and/or testing patches.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I was toying around with the idea of adding the NPCBot (JCarter) https://bitbucket.org/JCarter4562/tcbotpatches/.
It is old source and integrating it into the current TC source would be a challenge to say the least.

Of course as soon as I do that, updating the core from TC source would mean the possibility of breaking the bot patch and needing to fix it so it works again.

Then there is LordPsyan patch that seems to stay more up-to-date with the current TC source but it is also much more complex than a simple NPCBOT.

If this is something being considered for this reback I would of course hold off in doing it on my own. I could even assist in integrating and/or testing patches.

I would love to have NPCBots on this repack, but remember I'm the only one developing this repack and I really don't know much about it, so any and all help would be appreciated. And any patience for my lack of knowledge as well.


Silver Supporter
Senior User
thank you kind friend !!

does anyone know the settings for the holiday events in the world servr to cause the holidays to run..beerfest...darkmoon? ty

If you are referring to changing the schedule the events run that is in the world database, specifically the game_event table.

When you first look you think, I can just change the start_time and end_time columns, but you really want to focus on the occurrence and length columns.

While the table has changed a bit over the years, the following link should give you enough to go on so you can setup your events however you like.


Silver Supporter
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I would love to have NPCBots on this repack, but remember I'm the only one developing this repack and I really don't know much about it, so any and all help would be appreciated. And any patience for my lack of knowledge as well.

I am still learning myself. If is trial and error although admittedly it seems like error most of the time.

If I had a nickel for everytime I blew up my source and had to download it again I would never have to work. Which in turn would give me more time to blow up the source :'D


Verified Member
I appreciate people who work on these old expansions. Thing is there are multiple groups doing 3.3.5a repacking of trinitycore and other cores like sunwell/azerothcore which many people feel are even more impressive than the standard trinitycore source.
These repacks are updated quite frequently for free download on other sites. So I just feel you may spend so much time doing what's being done by others by just repacking also.

However, its definitely the BOT stuff that 'other' random people say they will focus there time making repacks for. These people start, then get bored or something after a few repacks, and keep dropping their projects. It's annoying as hell :S
I feel that If you were to 100% focus on 3.3.5a NPCbots for trinity (or even better yet Azerothcore) then you will do what others always give up with, and your repacks will certainly have high interest.

I understand you are learning, and I think just focusing on how all the bot stuff works would be time very well spent. Learning how the NPCbots work for 3.3.5a also will make you valuable with the 4.3.4 bots too I bet. The structure is the same!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do with this expansion :)


Banned User
this repack has the greatest group of working holidays..beerfest,children day,etc most work great..just need to figure out how to get headless horseman show up to burn buildings and it'll be a perfect repack..thanks again for it..

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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First I have to ask, do you know how to set up a typical repack?
If not, I'll have to maybe get some screenshots or something, so let me know.

If you do know, are you referring to a local server for just you, or a server for you and your friends?


Trial Member
I dare say lichqueen is right. You're just reinventing the wheel unless you want to add some custom fixes or bots. Though if you were to get Wintergrasp working truly Blizzlike, that would make it stand out for me. Current unaltered Trinitycore comes close if you enable the setting, but it has the wrong faction vendors in the shops (Alliance vendors in the siege engine shops owned by the Horde and vice versa). Though that makes toppling the towers faster being able to buy from a blue shop ;) Also, most of the NPCs that should appear along the bridges do not. So far, there has only been one person who has done it right (or close enough to right to be properly playable anyway), and that's Jzy. And that was before they added mmaps to Trinitycore. 6 years ago. It would be good to see someone get it working on a modern build.

I get why WG gets no love. A full instance was a laggy mess. If you queued during prime time hours, you never saw it at it's best -- when you had two smaller groups of 5 to 15 going at it. It would be an absolute blast at a LAN party.