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[Selling Core Scripts] [C++]


Trial Member
Hey guys. I want to sell a few of my free-time scripts I have developed & updated over the years. Not all ideas are mine, some systems were inspired by other individuals. If you want your own system, feel free to message me through Discord (check important note #2 beforehand).
Do keep in mind, some of these ideas already exist and have been publically shared by community members FOR the community. I commit that I did not rip that off and I do not attempt to sell anything that is publically available by other members. I created these systems myself, some with ideas from other people and some inspired by me. Either way, all* the scripts here are SELF MADE and are 100% UNIQUE.

What can I offer?
- Customized World Chat: world chat optionality including world chat toggle (on/off) via a command (only for staff members), specific character exclusion from world chat ("too spammy, I want to turn it off"), world chat ban, world chat appeal and @mention systems can be included
- Unique Killstreak: designed to coexist with the Bounty Hunting system. By default, supports 3-300 killstreak, rewards can be adjusted (obviously), as well as the streaks themselves. Designed to increase "wanted" level (from the Bounty Hunting system), but that can be removed if you do not purchase the system. Can add custom features to it as well
- Automated Events: Hide and Seek -> find a hiding NPC, interact with it (gossip) to win, only participants can be declared as winners. A time limit of 10 minutes, automated hint every 3 minutes (adjustable, obviously).
Last Man Standing - all vs all, will automatically remove stealth or any invisible effect every 30 seconds (adjustable), disallow party while participating, prevent interventions from other non-participants, auto-disqualify participants who died, and has 5 minutes duration (that too, is adjustable).
"Find the Murderer" -> Among Us: WoW edition. Out of all participants, 1 will be declared as a wanted murderer. The participants have 5 minutes to discover who it is. Only the wanted murderer can kill without getting disqualified (for killing the wrong person). Mind games at their finest. 5 minutes duration by default. Can be adjusted as you see fit
- Anti-Account Sharing: IP-based, country-based - will send notifications upon every IP change, has custom commands to handle situations
- Multiboxing Alerts: will send an announcement to all active GMs about any multiple accounts from the same IP (multi-account ownage) and suspected multiboxing (2 accounts or more open simultaneously)
- Bounty Hunting: place Badges of Justice (or any other currency, item, virtual currency [vote points / donor points]) against someone for a bounty that can reward you significantly if someone claims it for you. The one who claims it, obviously, is being rewarded as well. Everything about this system is ADJUSTABLE TO YOUR OWN NEEDS!
- Black Market: allows players to provide their own items for public sale, can be done for soulbound items - no auction is available!
- VIP-Only Shop: only VIPs can visit the shop
- Honorable Kills Shop: only characters with X kills or above can visit the shop
- VIP Striking System: 3 warnings = VIP removal
- Playtime Rewarder: can be an item/points per hour, increased the more you vote, can increase the waiting time and yeah you get the point
- In-Game Vote & Donor Shops: dynamic, with in-game logs and everything - can be through the database too. Check the video at the bottom for more information (also, please read the video's description for added mini-features already included inside). Can include direct VIP activator & gambling system into the script
- Dynamic Item Exchanger: if player has X items he can get Y items (soulbound included). Can merge it with virtual currencies (like points exchanger or a refund creature if you wish to call it that)
- One-Time Usage Gameobjects: require a one-time-key, then destroy the key instead of keeping it blizzlike. Useful for one-time dungeons or instances, unique boss fights, or any creation your imagination motivates
- World Teleporter: with several other perks like all spells teaching, riding, menus to appear only under certain circumstances
- General C++ Updates: TrinityCore cherrypicks implementations
- General C++ Custom Scripts Updates: I will do my best to maintain the original content while updating, but cannot commit to 100% success rates. I can attempt to re-create the desired system, will notify in advance
- [EARLY STAGES] - Portable Transmogrification** - take the power of NPC transmog and turn it into items that memorize which item you've selected and will transmog it according to your worldserver.conf settings exactly. Entirely based on Rochet2's transmog system and is to be used as an EXTENTION. The system currently does NOT have a transmog reversal item, but it will be added in the very near future. Check "YouTube" for a video on that subject within my channel

A few other neat features I save for customers:
- "Credit Card" / "Gifting" System: allows a member to purchase goods across all-provided systems for someone, on another's expense
- Staff Payment: allows your head of staff, or head administrator to have the option to select a convertible value of points and exchange them into vote/donor points at any given time with dynamic conversion rates
- Anti-Server URL Linking: disallows you to link domain other than a few permitted ones, such as youtube, google, your server's domain name (bounds to world chat, say, guild, whisper, party, emote, and all that)
- Anticheat auto-ban & NPC interface enhancement: installing TrinityCore's "passive anti-cheat" and implementing an auto-ban upon reaching a certain amount of reports. Can adjust the punishment "levels" to read past bans from the system and adjust the upcoming ban accordingly (so continuous hackers will get punished appropriately after each offense). Possible addition is an anticheat NPC interface for daily record checkups, anticheat toggle (on/off buttons), and specific player exclusion (by account ID). Check "YouTube" for a video on that subject within my channel
- Auto-Login "Learn All Talents": for level 255 FunServers
- All-In-One-Vendor Data: for gems, glyphs and transmogrification vendors
- Individual Shop System: allows each member to "host" his/her own shop, with his/her own prices (can be virtual currencies like vote/donor shops or actual in-game items, such as currencies or actual usable items). Can be used with a permitted item list
- And much more!

Important note #1: I can create unique systems within a reasonable timeframe (as long as I fully understand your request & the concept of the system), so feel free to send me a PM on Discord: Dandi#2828 with your request if you got one. Payment for custom requests will be discussed in private AFTER I have confirmed I can get it done, based on the amount of time I take to deliver it entirely. Please beware: existing scripts ARE TESTED & MAINTAINED, custom requests ARE NOT TESTED (in-depth)! If you notice an issue, contact me again and I will update or fix it.

Important note #2: please be sure you provide me with details about your core, including revision and year/month of creation, as well as which emulator it is and where can I clone my own copy of YOUR sourcecode (or be able to provide one yourself - dev branch version).
I would say in advance; prices will be discussed in private.

Important note #3: all these scripts were created FOR TrinityCore, 3.3.5a branch. That does not mean they will not work anywhere else, but they might require additional work to make them compatible.
My local server (TrinityCore, 335, March 2020) is always open for visits from interested potential clients if you would like to test things yourself.

These are all self-made systems, and I would like to keep the creation credit. I can edit/modify whatever a customer would want, as well as add features or remove certain features one would not like to have.

*Disclaimer: TrinityCore's passive anti-cheat (for passive anti-cheat auto-ban function) has not been created by me!
**Portable Transmogrification is based entirely on Rochet2's transmog system (all creation credit goes to Rochet2)!

Payments - PayPal (NOT Friends & Family) - BEFORE delivery, AFTER you tested & confirmed you are interested in this purchase. Discord verification will be required so I can screenshot it (call it "contract"). After the payment is completed, a Pastebin link will be sent and will exist for 24 hours for you to use.

As a side note; I'm attaching here my YouTube channel where I post from time to time the progress of some features I work on, some for clients some for inventory expansion of products. If you got a request of any sort regarding any of the videos displayed, Discord me (Dandi#2828).
Example of my latest video:
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
Big vouche for my homie Dandi!

An awesome custom dev and overall a great dude!

He scripts custom requests in no time and can adjust everything to your needs.